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Allergy Free for the EOE: Extraordinary Cooking for the Intense Diet


A cookbook catering to those who need to be allergy free. This will help you prepare delicious food for those who struggle to maintain their strict diets.

SKU: CB1 Category:


Have you recently been diagnosed with a food allergy or even eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE)?  Now what can you eat?

  • This cookbook is especially for those that have to avoid certain food allergens to help heal their esophagus  or to prevent a severe allergic reaction to that food.
  • You won’t have to search through the whole book just to find a main dish that is free of gluten, dairy, soy and egg. This book is sectioned based off the foods you need to avoid.  If you want a main dish but have to avoid the top 4 allergens, just flip to the main dish section and turn to the tab labeled “Free of Gluten, Dairy, Soy and Egg”  If you just need to avoid gluten and dairy, flip to the section labeled “Free of Gluten and Dairy”  It’s just that simple.
  • Make your life easier while living with food allergies or EOE with this Cookbook full of over 300 full page delicious recipes that even your kids or the pickiest eater will enjoy.
  • Let your insta pot or slow cooker do the work for you with many incredible recipes and actually have a stress free weeknight.


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