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3 Tips For Handling a Birthday Party With Food Allergies

Send Your Child With Similar Food

  • It seems like all the birthday parties these days serve pizza, soda, cake and Ice cream.  Holy Cow! I always remember going to a party as a kid and just doing cake and ice cream. When my child is invited to a party, I find out what they are serving so I can send him with the same type of food.


  • PIZZA- If my kids had their way, they would eat pizza every night

I send them with a personal sized pizza made with this dough or use a pre-made crust to make life easier and faster.  These are the only two brands I use at the moment.  My kids are super picky with their pizza

  • CAKE-  The cake is easy-  I just send them with an allergy friendly cupcake that I keep stashed in my freezer.  A lot of grocery stores have already made ones, but I prefer to know exactly what is in my kid’s food.  I really like this cake mix or this cake mix brand.  If I am really feeling ambitious, I will make them completely from scratch...but who has time for that.  I don't like my cakes to taste gluten free.  These brands are the best I have found so far.
  • ICE CREAM- a lot of times I don’t send ice cream because it just seems too much and my kids are just happy with a cupcake.  However, these are the dairy free ice cream brands we like: So Delicious and Halo TOP. Going to birthday parties with food allergies can be challenging but these tips should allow your child to still have a good time and feel included. 

Replacement Birthday Treat at School

I get a call from my daughter the other day while I was at work.  She called to ask if she could have a cupcake because it was her best friend's birthday.  She knew the answer would be "no" but she was hoping that by some miracle, I would say "yes."  That is when I decided to take a few treats to her teacher at school and every time they had a birthday or some other activity that involved food, then her teacher could give her an allergy friendly treat.

  1.  Enjoy Life Mini Cookie Snack Packs
  2. Enjoy Life Chewy Bars
  3. Enjoy Life Chocolate Chip Cookies (14 in a box)
  4.  Kinnikinnick Chocolate cookies (not Egg free)
  5. FreeYumm Oat Bars- Safe For school


I try and remind my children often if there is an event that they need to stay away from food they are allergic too.  They still ask about 50% of the time even if we have talked about it.  They just want to be like everyone else. I calmly remind them that if they eat the foods that they are allergic to, that they will end up really sick.  Honestly, my 13 year old son would rather feel sick or get sick then to miss out eating pizza or ice cream with his friends.  He tells me often "It is worth getting sick to be able to taste my favorite food"  I cringe inside when he tells me this.  I feel horrible that I can't take his allergies away.  When he is frustrated, he often yells "I NEED A SHOT TO CURE ME."  Anytime my kids get like this, I use the tips on this POST to help them cope.



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