Gluten Free Bread
4 secrets to success
I have not found a recipe for gluten free bread yet on Pinterest or anywhere else that my kids will eat. I have tried recipe after recipe. The ones from this website ( finally won the picky eaters approval award...JK. Seriously the best though! Check out one recipe here.
1. Beat the batter for longer than you think you need to. It incorporates more air and allows time for the natural starches to hydrate which makes a lighter loaf.
2. Don’t let the batter rise all the way to the top of the pan. Gluten free bread does not have as much structure as wheat based breads and needs the pan to support it. If you do accidently let it rise too long, make a foil collar that extends above the top of the pan to provide extra support.
3. Use a small pan for the same reason as number two.
4. Test for doneness with a meat thermometer. It will look done long before it is.